Showing all 6 results

  • Alarna the Banana


    Alarna the Banana is growing brown spots!
    As bananas age they can grow brown spots, but her freaky fruit friends
    are not sure if they should tell her about her new spots or not.
    Some fruit has spots and some do not,
    We should not care who is spotty or not.

  • Freaky Fruit Bowl Paperback Set


    All 5 paperback books in Series 1

    Alarna, Kevin, Pedro, Suzie and Lucy.

  • Kevin the Kiwi gets stuck in a shoe


    Kevin the Kiwi has a terrible day.
    He gets ants in his pants and they make him do a jiggly dance.
    As he runs away he gets stuck in a shoe,
    luckily his freaky fruit bowl friends know just what to do!

  • Lucy the Lemon


    Lucy the lemon is having fun with her fruity friends when a fruit fly attacks her.
    Luckily her friends come up with a clever plan to save her, which involves smelly dog poo.

  • Pedro the Pear


    Pedro the Pear gets chased by a fox.

    He needs his Freaky Fruit Bowl friends to help him before the sneaky fox eats him up.

    Adam the Apple’s pips are shaking with fear, but with a brave friend like Mike the Mandarin,

    they have a chance of getting away.

  • Suzie the Strawberry


    Suzie the Strawberry was always on the go,
    You would see her speeding around never taking things slow.
    She loved to snoop around and discover new places,
    Looking in cupboards and exploring tiny spaces.